Friday, January 25, 2008


Have you ever been a leader or wish to become one??Do you know that good leaders are prepared??If Yes Then You need to know what to do to become a good leader.Information on how to be a good leader will be published soon on this post.Stay tuned!


( The former CASFETA Chairman at Ilboru Secondary School,2005-2006)

Friday, January 18, 2008

For Tanzanians

Participate by sending your comments.Click the 'comments' button at the bottom of this post then when you are done,click publish post.
''Are the University Students in Tanzania well prepared to bring changes in the Country?Why?

Do You Want to be more creative???

Have you ever wished to bring changes in your enviroment(it can be your country,family or anywhere) as the result of thinking and reasoning??Or You have done it and you are seeking to increase your ability for greater changes??There is a blockbuster series of lessons to come that will make your mind sharp as that of the great thinker of 20th century Albert Eistein or that of the famous politician Mwl.Julius K.Nyerere.
This series will comprise of different writters' articles including those of the outemerging writter,Raymond Magambo.
Stay tunned,don't let these revolutionary lesons passby you.

Google Contest for The University students in East Africa

Do you dream of developing an application software for consumers globally?Do you have software coding and design skills you would love to put to practical use?Or.... are you simply a techie with too much time on your hands?
Google looks forward to hosting a competition for university students in East Africa.Participants from Tanzania,Kenya,Uganda,Rwanda,Burundi and Ethiopian can design and build gadgets and win prizes.Gadgets are small,simple applications that run on web pages.There are gadgets for easy email access,gadgets for fun and gadgets for frivolity.They're simple to develop,given some knowledge of HTML(and ideally XML and Javascript too).And they're easy to distribute-through iGoogleTM (Google's personalised homepage),platforms such as OpenSocialTM and third-party websites.There are tens of millions of people who use gadgets globally,generating billions of gadgets pageviews per week!
The competition will run between February and June 2008,with more details(including a dedicated competition website and explanations of terms and restrictions) to follow in January.In the mean time,there's more for the curious and the technically-minded at http:/

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Welcome to The University Of DODOMA(Expected to be The Biggest University In East Africa)

The history of higher education in Tanzania has been re-written.It has been re-written by the establishment of a new public institution-The University Of Dodoma(UDOM).UDOM has been established by the goverment of Tanzania under the Universities Act of 2005 and its Charter.Establishment of UDOM is part of the overall national efforts to enhance economic growth,reduce poverty and improve social wellbeing.We celebrate that a new knowledge powerhouse is born.
We invite potential students,individuals,institutions,development partners,the private sector and well-wishers to join us in this exciting initiative.Embracing knowlege is our motto.We are committed to create an outstandingly attractive enviroment to study and work.We are committed to build UDOM to an institution of a global standing,capable of harnessing the power of knowledge and creativity to serve humanity.Join us in whatever way you can.

From The Vice Chancellor's Desk,Prof. Idris Kikula.
In february 2007,His excellency,Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete,The President of United Republic Of Tanzania appointed top leadership of The University Of Dodoma(UDOM).He appointed Hon.Benjamin William Mkapa ,former president of Tanzania as Chancellor of the new University.According to the Part 111,section7(1) of the Charter of UDOM signed by the President on 28th March 2007,the Chancellor is the Head of the University.
Hon.Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal was accordingly apponted Chairman of the University Council.Dr.Bilal is a former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Science,Technology and Higher Education and Chief Minister Of the Revolutionary Govervement of Zanzibar.
The University's top management was also appointed the same day.Prof.Idris Suleiman Kikula was appointed Vice-Chancellor.He is the former and last Principal Of the University College of Lands and Architectural Studies.Previously he was the founder Director of the Directorate of Research and Publications and Director of the institute of Resource Assessment.
Section 9(1) of the Charter stipulales that there shall be Deputy Vice-Chancellors.Accordingly H.E President appointed Prof.Ludovick Kinabo Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of academic,Research and Consultancy.Prof.Shaaban Mlacha was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor in Charge of Planning,Finance and Administration.
Other office bearers like College Principals,Deans of Schools,associate Directors and Heads of Departments shall be appointed by the Council following the laid down procedures and as the University establishes itself.
The establishment of The university Of Dodoma is yet another chapter in the history of the higher education in Tanzania.It is meant to create space for expanded enrolment for its deserving sons and daughters.Many people qualified candidates do not get places in Universities because of limited capacities.It is expected that The University of Dodoma will atleast respond to this dire need for increased enrolment capacity.It is impotant to however state here that the quest to expand enrolment should not in any way compromise standards.The Chancellor,Chairman and Management of The University Of Dodoma are very categorical on this important aspect.We pleadge to uphold standards.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


There is only one thing in Life which I believe If people will get to honour,respect and practise it in life,life can become Problems can be solved as well as prevented. This is so called ''THINKING AND REASONING'' According to my life experience many people take actions based on their emotions and moods then they get to think later.This always leads to blunders.I think this is the time to change.I remember after I knew the importance of doing this I had to start self teaching class where I had to become a teacher and a student at the same time.That class never stopped since 2001 up to today and I guess it is an endless class it will continue forever.I sometimes really get hurt but the pain I get always makes me to go ahead,involving much thinking in my doings.There was a time some guys thought I was coward because I was not to fast to do even things that seemed to be simple to them and in most cases I managed to predict what could happen,at first they could argue but at last they all got to my side.I have seen people in life who don't want to think,they say they don't want headaches but avoiding to get headaches in life because of thinking may lead to much headaches due to failures and blunders.
Guys,lets get to think and reason to solve our own problems.We shouldn't be very fast to disclose our problems to anybody else even our closest friends before thinking on how we can handle it in our own way.Get the solutions of your own before getting some other people's advices.Thats why Albert Eistein,a great scientist who was also among the great thinkers of 20th century said he believed in ''IMAGINATION" He believed in imagination because He knew the secret behind.Imagination is simply deep thinking and reasoning.So guys this is a challenge in our life not to let others think for us but think for ourselves.